2021 … Still not FINE

Hamnah Mahmood
4 min readJan 13, 2021

Just wanted 2021 to be a year of Hugs and Joy. A year of heart-squashing, Bone-crushing, Self-loving, Self-sufficient love. Still doesn't feel like it. It feels like living through History yet demeaning the existence of present reality. Lost hope for another year. How to get out of this dark bottomless pit?

I get it we are freaking scared to move forward in a world full of atrocities. Don’t let this crazy world cause you to let go of your definite precious goals. Build something make them create something that will help you weather the soul-crushing storm, not get swept away with it. You have to retain that trust back that your current situation is not going to last forever. Be like a postage stamp, Bloody stick to a goal till you get there.


Make 2021 about discipline and optimism. Decide what you want and be firm with it set your intentions. Write down your goals, and plan to work on it every single day even if you don’t feel productive.

Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by the degree of presence. We always think we are competing with other people. No, our biggest competition is not with other people. It’s your procrastination, your neglect for knowledge. If you are successful against them and then you can conquer yourself. Live consciously. Nothing makes a person more productive than those last five minutes.

Eliminate anything and everything that does not help you Evolve. Stay 9000 miles away if possible of course from people who gaslight you after you communicate your feelings. Tarnish the existence of a negative pessimist person from your network. Stop replying to the text or calls that give you confusion and mixed feeling. Even if there is a small ounce of defeatism, gloom and despair. VANISH from their channels. Stop being available for everyone and start being available for yourself. You don’t owe the world anything. Be the person who can say I don't miss calls I stare at them with boredom.

Life should not only be live but it should be celebrated as well.

Celebrate the small wins whilst aiming for the big ones. Attitude, Passion and Energy matter the most. Share it with the people who appreciate you. Make a cool celebratory mantra. Look in the mirror and repeat “ I AM SO PROUD OF YOU”. You got one step closer to your milestone. Take a chill recovery day. Take a moment to step back and think about how are you feeling. A day is needed without stress and a lot of mobility to retain your stamina for the upcoming ventures.

Go to Therapy this year. It’s time to heal

You don’t have to suffer in silence. Mental health is not a target but a process. Your brain is not just an organ. Take care of yourself entirely. It does not matter even if you are in a perfect place of balance in business and personal relationships. Your mental health should be your priority.

Three Habits you Should Abide by this Year

Remember to BREATH throughout the day — Before starting a Zoom meeting or switching from one task to another, re-arrange your mind and body with a few deep breaths allows for much more mental clarity for the day. Your boss is yelling at you Inhale the Courage and Exhale fear. Don’t forget to take a deep breath it’s a bad day, not a bad life.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Start your MORNING right — Whether it’s a green tea, matcha or a smoothie, starting the day with something that is nutrient-rich give you the extra peace of mind that you chose something that made a positive contribution to your health. If you are a breakfast person have at it. Have a royal breakfast. A good breakfast makes a good day. Exercise, not extra fries. Workout, move your body in any form you like. Don't underestimate the power of good sweat for motivation. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Try to Sleep and Rest — Your body needs rest and recovery in order to accomplish the world. Remember that sleep and taking the time to recover allows your mental and physical performance to be at a peak state. Your future will be shaped by your dreams so stop wasting time scrolling and go to sleep. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Remember that taking the time to do what needs to be done for yourself personally reflects positively in your professional life also! Try to Abide by good habits and Suddenly it is not a dark bottomless pit anymore….

